Tip 96 – Three Tips on Bending

Most people have to reach for the floor at least a few times every day. From groceries or children to golf balls, bending might be so uncomfortable that you would rather avoid it. But bending low enough to touch the floor is something you should be able to easily do your whole life.

Improving the way you bend can have many benefits, including:

  • Greater ease and comfort every time you bend.
  • Bending properly can make you stronger.  Every time you bend or pick something up from the floor, you are doing a little exercise that can add up over time. Proper bending strengthens you appropriately.  Improper bending is uncomfortable and can cause injury.
  • Proper bending gives you a functionally stronger movement so that you feel more stable and can pick up heavier things.
  • Bending low enough to touch the floor is a fundamental type of movement. If you improve the way you bend you will automatically improve many other similar movements.

Here are three tips that can help you improve the way you bend.  They may be difficult to use at first, but you can improve with practice.  Watch the video to see a demonstration.

Three Tips for Bending

  1. Keep your feet fully on the floor throughout the whole movement. Do not lift your heels.
  2. Send your knees directly over your feet.
  3. Bend forward at the hips and see the floor.