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In the first moment of bending, leave your hips behind.

When bending, eave your hips behind your legs.

At least as far as the hips are concerned, bending with two knees is a lot like walking. To bend more easily, right from the beginning of the movement, pay attention to leaving your hips behind your legs as your knees bend.

A Lot More on Bending:

Finding Your Hip Joints

Video: Your Waist Is Not a Joint

When Bending, Keep Your Heels away from Your Head

Video: Think Up when Bending Down

Think Up when Bending Down

Reach with Your Arms, Not Your Back

Use Your Knees for Bending a Little

Use Your Knees for Bending

Bend Your Knees to Touch the Floor

For Bending, Think of Your Body As a Wave

Video: Three Tips on Bending

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