Tip 59 – Video: Proper Head Position

Proper Head Position

Of course there is no real “position” for your head because your head moves in response to everything you do. More of a problem is that the head is often almost stuck in a position because it is held too tightly. Allowing for a softening (release of the muscles) of the back of your neck will allow your head to rise a little bit, giving more room to your spine, which in turn can make all your movements easier. Without extra movement or massage, try it now with just a thought. There is a diagram about proper head position at Tip 3.

More on your head/neck relationship.

Video: Avoid Pulling Your Head Down to Look Up

To Improve Balance, Reduce Neck Tension

Bending Forward? Lead with the Crown of Your Head

Avoid Putting Your Torso in front of Your Head

And take a moment to lie down.


Podcast from Robert Rickover – Musicians and the Alexander Technique


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

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