Tip 53 – Be Like Roger Federer

Oppositional relationships are an important part of Roger Federer’s excellent use.

Tip 53 Roger Federer

Alexander Technique teachers talk about using the body well or poorly, and Roger Federer certainly displays excellent use in the above image. One component of good use is dynamic oppositional relationships between the various parts of the body. I added lines and arrows to the image to show these relationships, and to show that good use is something more than posture, position, or relaxation.  As shown in the image, the dynamic oppositional relationships between Federer\’s right leg, arm, and back, are part of what gives him his power and stability.

More on Dynamic Oppositional Relationships:

Be Like Katharine Hepburn

Video: Good Posture Is Like a Wave

Stability and Posture

Exercise: Lean Against a Wall

Bending, Leave Your Hips behind Your Legs

Think of Your Body as a Wave

Dynamic Opposition and Your Body

Finding Your Hip Joints

Video: Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice Guy

Be Like Walter Payton


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