Tip 2.25 – Love the Ground


I really mean that.  The clear relationship of your feet to the ground is a simple, but valuable, pleasure.  Don\t forsake it.

What that means:

  • Avoid looking for the ground with your feet or shuffling your feet to find it.  They are already there.
  • When bending, leave your feet fully on the ground as if you are standing.
  • Of course, you can come off your feet, but recognize that you give up what the ground/foot relationship has to offer when you do that.
  • When moving horizontally, remember that verticality generally takes precedence.
  • Most importantly, the more pleasure you take from the simple meeting of your foot to the ground, the more you will understand it and the more stability, power, flexibility, and overall sense of groundedness you will have.


Here is a link to a video and article about walking.


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